Single-Case Investigation of an Emotion-Focused Therapy Group for Anxiety and Depression


  • Adèle Lafrance Robinson Laurentian University; Health Sciences North
  • Beth McCague Laurentian University
  • Cynthia Whissell Laurentian University


Emotion-focused therapy, group therapy, single-case, anxiety, depression


Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is an evidence-based treatment for depression and trauma and has shown promise for other presentations including anxiety. Minimal research exists investigating the outcomes of emotion-focused therapy in a group setting. The current research presents a mixed-method single-case study of one client’s experiences and outcomes following a nine-week EFT group for depression and anxiety. Weekly measures of session-feelings evaluations were collected. Follow-up measures, including a qualitative interview, were administered one year post-treatment.  Pre-, post-, and follow-up measures assessed depression, anxiety, and emotional regulation. Results showed clinically significant improvements in anxiety, depression, and emotional regulation over time. Indirect and direct evidence of client change were detected. Five super-ordinate themes with sub-themes emerged from the qualitative analysis.

Author Biographies

  • Adèle Lafrance Robinson, Laurentian University; Health Sciences North

    Assistant Professor, Psychology Dept., Laurentian University

    Psychologist, Eating Disorders Program, Health Sciences North

  • Cynthia Whissell, Laurentian University
    Professor, Psychology Dept., Laurentian University





