Psychometric Properties of a Brief Spanish Version of the Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) Instrument Applied to Significant Others


  • Ana Martínez-Pampliega, PhD University of Deusto, Bilbao
  • Naia Molinos Laborda University of Deusto, Bilbao
  • Sergi Corbella, PhD Blanquerna-Ramón Llull University
  • Rafael Jódar, PhD Comillas Pontifical University
  • Ignacio Gómez-Marroquín, PhD University of Deusto, Bilbao


attachment, anxiety, avoidance, relational needs, psychometrics


Measuring attachment in adulthood is still a challenge. Despite progress in developing brief instruments, there are currently no instruments that assess attachment to significant persons without being limited to a specific type of relationship. The present study aims to develop a brief scale to assess attachment to significant persons (SP), as well as to provide evidence of validity and reliability. For this purpose, the brief Spanish version of the Experiences in Close Relationships instrument was used. 385 emerging adults, divided into two groups, Spanish psychology students and psychotherapists, completed the study online. A two-factor structure (Anxiety and Avoidance) was supported through confirmatory factor analysis. Likewise, evidence of convergent and concurrent validity, respectively, was provided through correlations with the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment and the Relational Needs Satisfaction Scale. The scale also demonstrated gender (men vs. women) and age (18-25 years vs. 26-30 years) invariance and adequate internal consistency. The study has allowed us to obtain a brief 11-item psychometrically robust scale—the ECR-SP11—which helps to understand attachment styles in clinical practice and psychotherapeutic research. The instrument’s applicability through more heterogeneous samples should be explored.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Martínez-Pampliega, PhD, University of Deusto, Bilbao

    Professor of Psychology

    Director of the Master’s Program in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy

    Principal Investigator of the Deusto Family Psych research team

  • Naia Molinos Laborda, University of Deusto, Bilbao

    Master’s Program in Relational Integrative Psychotherapy

  • Sergi Corbella, PhD, Blanquerna-Ramón Llull University

    Professor in the Department of Psychology and Speech Therapy

    Principal investigator of the Therapist’s Personal Style International Research Group

    Director of IDAPP (Institute for Psychiatric and Psychological Diagnosis and Care), Barcelona

  • Rafael Jódar, PhD, Comillas Pontifical University

    Professor of Psychology and Vice-Dean of Research in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

    Director of the Master’s Degree in Experiential Humanist and Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy

  • Ignacio Gómez-Marroquín, PhD, University of Deusto, Bilbao

    Assistant Professor of Psychology

    Co-director of the Master’s Degree in Integrative Relational Psychotherapy





